
I first ran for office because Arizona had a Republican Legislature that routinely rolled over for Governor Napolitano and passed bloated budgets and liberal bills. Once I got elected I went to work organizing conservatives, first into the Liberty Caucus, and later into a functioning majority. As we made gains, we shrunk Arizona’s budget, cut regulations, and created an environment that encouraged job creation. We also tackled border security and illegal immigration like no other state in the country. I was proud to be the House author of SB1070 and to have passed legislation giving our local law enforcement the tools they needed to do their jobs.


  • Our budget is balanced
  • Arizona is a national leader in protecting the unborn
  • We’re #1 in the nation for Second Amendment rights
  • We’re among the best states for property rights, regulation reform, and countless other measures
  • We turned our Republican majority into a conservative majority, we cast the tough votes, and we turned Arizona around.


David is a proven champion of school choice, greater accountability, and increased parental control. David opposes Common Core and will continue to vote to protect Arizona’s families against any federal takeover of our school curriculum. David was a key player in making $3.5 Billion in new education spending available to Arizona schools, all without raising taxes!

Jobs and the Economy

David is a proven champion of school choice, greater accountability, and increased parental control. David opposes Common Core and will David Gowan helped lead the fight to balance Arizona’s budget, cut taxes and regulation, and create a job-friendly environment throughout Arizona. The result has been lots of new jobs, both from businesses already in Arizona that are growing and hiring, and businesses fleeing high-tax states like California. Kiplinger’s Magazine reported that Arizona was #2 in the nation for job growth and Forbes projected Arizona would soon take the #1 spot.

Life, Family, and Religious Liberty

David has a 100% pro-life voting record and is proud that he has been endorsed by Arizona Right to Life’s PAC in each of his legislative campaigns. He also helped pass the nation’s first ban on abortions done for reasons of race or sex selection.

David has a 100% voting record on pro-family issues, like defending marriage and expanding school choice. Strong families are the backbone of our great nation, and the government ought to support and encourage them, not punish them.

David has a 100% voting record on Religious Liberty issues. He has supported SB1062, Rights of Conscience laws, and other efforts to protect the religious liberties of all Arizonans.

Our Veterans

As the son of a veteran, David was raised with a deep and abiding love and respect for our nation’s veterans and their service and sacrfice.

When he was elected to the Legislature he asked to be on the Military Affairs & Public Safety (MAPS) Committee and eventually served as Chairman. While on the committee he spearheaded several important bills including the establishment of a new veteran’s cemetery in Southern Arizona. In recognition of his service to veterans, David has been awarded the Copper Shield Award, the top honor given to a civilian by Arizona’s veterans community.

As our State Senator, David will continue to make veterans and veterans care a priority, ensuring that their sacrifice is never forgotten.

Border Security

While some candidates love to talk tough about the border, only David Gowan has taken concrete steps to fight illegal immigration and secure our border. That’s why America’s Toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, has endorsed David Gowan for State Senate.

Gowan was the prime sponsor of the House mirror bill for SB1070 and helped pass this landmark legislation. He secured funding for efforts to fight illegal immigration. He also voted to end bail for illegal aliens arrested for violent crimes and to end sanctuary cities in Arizona. We can count on David to keep fighting until our border and our great state is finally secure.

Shrinking Government

When David Gowan was first elected, Arizona faced the worst budget crisis of any state in the country. Former Governor Napolitano had taken advantage of a weak Republican Legislature to dig Arizona into a massive financial hole, with only $7 Billion in revenues and a $12 Billion budget.

David Gowan and his Republican allies made the tough choices that previous legislators had punted on. They made cuts and made Arizona’s government smaller. A lot smaller.

Along the way they were threatened by the special interests who had gotten fat and resisted cuts to their pet projects. They were mocked by a liberal media who wanted to demonize them for every cut they made.

In the end, Gowan and the new Republican majority prevailed. They had the courage and the backbone to do what needed to be done and today, Arizona’s economy is healthier and its budget is truly balanced.


Our health care system needs free market reforms, not ObamaCare. And improving our health care system starts with repealing and replacing ObamaCare with a series of reforms that make it easier to purchase insurance across state lines, allows for health care coverage to be portable for employees, pools the riskiest individuals into group pools that can be subsidized and covered, and gets government out of the way of people and their doctors.

When the Legislature debated the ObamaCare Expansion here in Arizona, David Gowan helped lead the fight to try and defeat it. In the face of attacks and threats from well-funded health care interests, Gowan stood firm and opposed the expansion.

As our State Senator, David will continue the fight to return control over our health care to the people of Arizona and their doctors.